• Les Origines de la Saint Valentin
    Les Origines de la Saint Valentin

    Les Origines de la Saint Valentin Il s’agissait au départ de la fête des Lupercales dans la Rome Antique, célébrée du 13 au 15 février. C’était une fête donnée en l’honneur du dieu des troupeaux et des bergers pendant laquelle on sacrifiait un bouc dans une grotte pour symboliser la fertilité. En 494 le Pape Gélas 1er fit interdire cette tradition païenne et la remplaça par la Saint Valentin. Fête célébrée le 14 février en l’honneur du patron martyre des Amoureux. Mais qui est...

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  • Connaissez-vous la Perle Orange ?
    Connaissez-vous la Perle Orange ?

    DES TRUITES ARC-EN-CIEL Pourquoi ? Car ce sont elles, les truites arc-en-ciel qui donnent les meilleurs œufs. Nous les élevons sur notre pisciculture de “Combarelles” qui doit son nom à la grotte préhistorique qui est quelques centaines de mètres. Nos bassins sont alimentés par l’eau fraiche du ruisseau de la Beune (classé en zone Natura 2000) affluent de la rivière “Vézère” qui traverse le Périgord Noir. Dans une eau toujours en mouvement et renouvelée, sans traitements antibiotiques ou...

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  • Report France 3
    Report France 3

    Find us in the report made by France 3.

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  • Trophies Salons des Saveurs
    Trophies Salons des Saveurs

    The Authentic Caviar and the Sturgeon Sashimi from Caviar Perle Noire won the trophy for the 2021 gourmet pleasure show!

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  • Home and Garden Magazine
    Home and Garden Magazine

    Rather than a dish, caviar is an ambiance. We don't eat caviar ... We taste it, we take our time, we savor it, so that each moment is unforgettable, as much by its taste as by the emotion which emerges from it. There is a real ceremony around this exceptional product.

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  • Magazine Dordogne Here and There
    Magazine Dordogne Here and There

    The aquatic fauna of the department has been enriched in recent years with fish, whose name alone is enough to evoke luxury gastronomy: in Les Eyzies, sturgeons produce a caviar, Perle Noire, appreciated well beyond the borders of the department.

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  • Participation in Salon Gourmet Sélection 2021
    Participation in Salon Gourmet Sélection 2021

    Meet us at Salon Gourmet Selection 2021 Dear partner, on Sunday 12 and Monday 13 September we will have the pleasure to welcome you at the Salon Gourmet Selection 2021, stand D51.

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  • Press tasting
    Press tasting

    The end of the year celebrations are the perfect occasions to create unforgettable taste memories. Caviar Perle Noire invites you to a press tasting to discover an exceptional box set, special end of year celebrations, including its Classic Caviar, with a powerful iodized taste, accompanied by a vodka inspired by the flavours of the Périgord region, root of the Mark.

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  • Meet us at the salon la palmeraie in LYON
    Meet us at the salon la palmeraie in LYON

    The season of salons begins for us with the salon Mer et Vigne in Lyon which will take place from November 11 to 14 at the Palmeraie de la Tour de Salvagny.

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  • Caviar Perle Noire, producer of caviar… but not only!
    Caviar Perle Noire, producer of caviar… but not only!

    Our whole farm butter composed of 35% caviar will enhance your aperitifs. Simply spread on a semi-wholemeal bread just toasted to accompany your shellfish platters.

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  • Caviar Perle Noire, a range for all palates
    Caviar Perle Noire, a range for all palates

    "The Impertinent": A young caviar, very smooth and delicate, with hints of nutty butter. Delicate and slightly iodized, if you have had a bad experience with caviar, the impertinent by his youth will know how to win you back!

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  • Tasting the Caviar Perle Noire
    Tasting the Caviar Perle Noire

    More than just a simply dish, caviar is an atmosphere: a festive family meal, a romantic evening, a friendly brunch with long-time friends.

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  • Our well-bred fish!
    Our well-bred fish!

    The water comes from a stream, La Beune, whose source is located 15 kilometres from the basins. This therefore allows the fish to continuously benefit from first-class clear and clean water.

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  • The DNA of Perle Noire® Caviar
    The DNA of Perle Noire® Caviar

    Caviar Perle Noire is a team of enthusiasts and aquaculture specialists gathered around a project of production an excellent caviar.

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  • The welfare of fish first!
    The welfare of fish first!

    Caviar Perle Noire seeks to reproduce the natural environment of sturgeons. The ponds are made of earth and stones because the sturgeon is a so-called "bottom" fish: it likes to dig the bottom using its barbels, that is to say its moustaches, to find its food.

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  • An eco-responsible production in a healthy nature
    An eco-responsible production in a healthy nature

    After 10 years of experience in Maine et Loire, Frédéric Vidal settled in 2008 in the Périgord Noir, in Les Eyzies de Tayac. On this former trout fish farm, the company Caviar Perle Noire breeds Acipenser baerii sturgeons, originating from Siberia, known to grow and reproduce exclusively in fresh water.

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Showing 25 to 40 of 40 (2 Pages)